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Vacuum speed mixer
  • VPDM300 Planetary vacuum speed mixer
    VPDM300 planetary vacuum defoaming mixer is a planetary vacuum centrifugal mixer that can be used to mix various liquids or powder materials.
  • PDM300 Planetary speed mixer
    PDM300 planetary defoaming mixer is a planetary centrifugal mixer that can be used to mix various liquid or powder materials
  • PDM300plus Planetary speed mixer
    PDM300plus planetary defoaming mixer is a planetary centrifugal mixer that can be used to mix various liquid or powder materials
  • VPDM300plus planetary vacuum defoaming mixer
    VPDM300plus planetary vacuum defoaming mixer is a planetary vacuum centrifugal mixer that can be used to mix various liquids or powder materials.
Contact Us
  • Tel:+86 25-86795086  58000618  58000718
  • Skype:+86 139 1299 5166
  • Mobile:+86 139 1299 5166
  • E-mail:admin@nj-keyscience.com

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Copyright ? Nanjing Chi Shun Technology Development Co.,Ltd. Tel:86-25-86795086  58000618  58000718  E-mail: admin@nj-keyscience.com

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